Serve Me Your Soul And Your Body-

You., Me
A bottle of a red wine and nothing but unadulterated unrestrained .
Fill my head with your views on everything. On capital punishment and if your hole moral perspective changes if it involves a family member or someone you are close to?
Tell me stories of your childhood and how it scarred you, how the small town you grew up in tainted your views on minorities or fostered a love of different cultures, how the first time you masturbated you were terrified and sadly disappointed.
Tell me what your favourite colour and ice cream flavour and season and flower is? Tell me what your view is on porn, mansplaining and dating websites. Tell me if you believe in sea monsters, and true love.
Tell me what you’d say if you could talk to the thirteen year old version of yourself, but only for a handful of minutes? Tell me your thoughts on politics and organized religion and woman body size and any other impolite dinner conversation topics?
Tell me what would be the first big think you would buy if you picked the right combination of lotto numbers, or would you donate most of it and buy a backpack and a pair of comfortable shoes and never be heard from again?
Tell me how flexible your body is, how are your views on having social media accounts and most importantly how flexible are your morals? Tell me if you could have anyone in the world instantly killed and it never to come back to you, would you do it and who would you choose and should I be worried?
Tell me if you could invite ten of history’s most infamous figures who would you hand write invitations to ? Do you have phobias or fears and would you rather avoid them all together or face them head on and either conquer them or have a complete breakdown? Tell me how you lost your virginity and when you think back on it do you smile or wince and do you have that one song that instantly whisks you back to that bedroom where you put all your trust in a locked door and a condom? And tell me if you think you are a good person… someone who can spill their guts over wine… be as honest after the first glass as the last glass of whiskey because we had to switch up because we ran out of wine because you rambled on about that whole masturbating with a hair brush thing? Just tell me everything.”
A bottle of a red wine and nothing but unadulterated unrestrained .
Fill my head with your views on everything. On capital punishment and if your hole moral perspective changes if it involves a family member or someone you are close to?
Tell me stories of your childhood and how it scarred you, how the small town you grew up in tainted your views on minorities or fostered a love of different cultures, how the first time you masturbated you were terrified and sadly disappointed.
Tell me what your favourite colour and ice cream flavour and season and flower is? Tell me what your view is on porn, mansplaining and dating websites. Tell me if you believe in sea monsters, and true love.
Tell me what you’d say if you could talk to the thirteen year old version of yourself, but only for a handful of minutes? Tell me your thoughts on politics and organized religion and woman body size and any other impolite dinner conversation topics?
Tell me what would be the first big think you would buy if you picked the right combination of lotto numbers, or would you donate most of it and buy a backpack and a pair of comfortable shoes and never be heard from again?
Tell me how flexible your body is, how are your views on having social media accounts and most importantly how flexible are your morals? Tell me if you could have anyone in the world instantly killed and it never to come back to you, would you do it and who would you choose and should I be worried?
Tell me if you could invite ten of history’s most infamous figures who would you hand write invitations to ? Do you have phobias or fears and would you rather avoid them all together or face them head on and either conquer them or have a complete breakdown? Tell me how you lost your virginity and when you think back on it do you smile or wince and do you have that one song that instantly whisks you back to that bedroom where you put all your trust in a locked door and a condom? And tell me if you think you are a good person… someone who can spill their guts over wine… be as honest after the first glass as the last glass of whiskey because we had to switch up because we ran out of wine because you rambled on about that whole masturbating with a hair brush thing? Just tell me everything.”
Let me eat your biggest and smallest of dreams and drink your tears.