It’s July-
I know by now that people say a lot of things,
people talking everywhere
without saying a word
It took me all those years to learn myself
or teach myself how to look into the mirror without breaking it
I know for a fact that I was a fight worth fighting for .
I stood up for my own head and so did my heart
and we are coming to terms with ourselves.
Shaking hands, saying ”let’s make this work
for we have places to go and people to see and we will need each other”
So I have hope , in who I am becoming
people talking everywhere
without saying a word
It took me all those years to learn myself
or teach myself how to look into the mirror without breaking it
I know for a fact that I was a fight worth fighting for .
I stood up for my own head and so did my heart
and we are coming to terms with ourselves.
Shaking hands, saying ”let’s make this work
for we have places to go and people to see and we will need each other”
So I have hope , in who I am becoming